Tag "inspiration"

Jason Mraz: One Love Movement Podcast

“I’m Yours”… the catchy tune we can’t get out of our heads by the one and only Jason Mraz @jason_mraz! We are so incredible honored to welcome Jason to our

On Being a Benevolent Bad Ass…..

There are things worth fighting for, and fight we should. A little reminder about inner strength; being benevolent and when and how to use it!

Change Maker Spotlight – Kate Murphy

Yoga Digest loves to connect with like-minded change makers who are making an impact on others through their work on and off the mat. Meet our latest Change Maker, Kate Murphy who says yoga helps her more creative, things flow more easily, and I am more effective in my work as a CEO!

It’s Not Confidence You Need, It’s Wisdom

Before I start many of my classes, I ask the room if there’s anything they would like me to work into the practice. It can be an area of the

Hard Work VS Inspired Action

“Hard work and struggle are the only ways to make it to the top in this world. ” Have you ever heard this? Or something like it? I sure have

Seane Corn: One Love Movement Podcast

Seane Corn (@seanecorn) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher known for her impassioned activism for social and political change…Seane talks about using her voice to create change!

Natalie Jill: One Love Movement Podcast

Natalie Jill @nataliejillfit specializes in healthy lifestyles that extend beyond your physical weight loss but also focusing and caring for your state of mind & being. She uses her story

Confessions of a New Yoga Teacher

Being a yoga teacher is extremely rewarding, but not as easy as it may seem. Discover some confessions your yoga teacher has experienced along the way!

One Simple Trick For More Joy

The place where I live is so beautiful, it’s mind bending. Sometimes when I’m outside its hard to believe that this landscape is real…

20 Hope Filled Reminders To Hold Onto When Life Gets Hard

Life can be tough! Here are some reminders to get you passed life’s most common obstacles. Discover how to approach and conquer each one!