Tag "detox"

Spring Clean Your Body & Mind

Warmer, lighter spring mornings make it easier to rise early, starting each day by sitting quietly in observation, without judgment. With this clarity, we are best able to make the choices that support our body’s natural purification processes.

3 Recipes For Liver Detox

The weekend can be a time of indulging. Detox with these yummy recipes!

7 Yoga Poses to Strengthen and Detox Your Body

The practice of yoga can help anyone to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and enjoy renewed energy levels…

Don’t Let Your Juice Be a Sugar Bomb

Not all juices are created equal! Get the skinny from our Yoga Digest juice expert Linda Baldwin.

5 Easy Daily Detox Habits

Unless you are eating a clean, organic raw food diet that detoxes your body naturally, your body needs extra detoxifying boosts to get rid of the toxins.

The Perfect Pre-Holiday Party Juice Cleanse

This juice cleanse will leave you feeling clean and radiant for your next holiday party. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

3 Benefits of Juicing

The benefits of juicing are endless. Juicing is a great way to both detox the body and get your daily dose of nutrients to boost immunity.

5 Easy Tips to Help Your Digestion

It is no fun to feel stuck, bloated, or extra heavy, especially in your gut region! We all love the pleasure of eating, enjoying good company, and amazing food! When

Spring Renewal: 11Tips for Balanced & Mindful Living

Spring is the fresh new start of the astrological new year. Yogis believe it is when we are all able to have a fresh new cycle to plant new seeds

7 Easy Ways to Calm Your Mind

The world is a stressful place. If you don’t know how to manage your stress, you’ll end up absorbing all the negative energy in your surroundings. Here are 7 ways to keep calm and carry on.