Small Renovations that Will Help Enhance the Positivity in Your Home
A positive home is a home that is welcoming. To make your home an inviting place – one that both you and your guests wish to stay in – a little extra care can go a long way. By properly maintaining your home including lawn care and , prioritizing renovation projects and choosing ones that will have the most impact for the fewest investment dollars, you’ll be enhancing the positivity at a rate and pace you can afford.
Here are a few ideas for small renovations that will give you the most bang for your buck:
Seal or Repave the Driveway
Whether they realize it or not, one of the first things guests see when they pull up to your house is your driveway. Create a welcoming environment from the moment the wheels turn onto the pavement and up to your home by spending some renovation monies on seal-coating or obtaining new asphalt.
A bumpy ride from the get-go could indicate a bumpy visit, so do your best to make sure guests are smooth sailing by investing in their first impression of your home.
Make Your House Numbers Visible
A really simple way to enhance the positivity of your home is to increase its visibility. That is, the ability for people to know how to find your home. What’s the best way to do that? By making your house numbers easy to find.
New house numbers may not seem like a big deal and you may ask if it’s even worth it to choose a font or style. In short, it definitely is. After all, modern letters with sharp lines look out of place on a Victorian home and vice-versa. By choosing letters that coordinate with the overall look and feel of your home, you’ll be further promoting a positive, consistent message to your guests, as well as yourself.
This project may mean scoping out some of the best places for house numbers. Typically, they are near the front door or on a nearby post.
Get New Garage Doors
Once your guests have experienced a great ride up to your home, it’s time to wow them – and yourself – with sets of doors that are cohesive and welcoming. By coordinating the exterior doors of your home, you’ll not only give your home great curb appeal, you’ll give it an appearance that is inviting and well thought out.
There’s no need to make sure the front door “matches ” the garage doors, exactly, but choosing a coordinating color scheme can be beneficial. If you’re unsure about how it would all look, some companies feature . By uploading a picture of your home, you can play around with new garage and entryway doors without making permanent changes.
Invest in Recessed Lighting
Good lighting can take a home from claustrophobic to bright and airy. Give yourself and your guests room to breathe by investing in decent lighting. Recessed lighting, in particular, enables you to spotlight certain features within your home.
Use it to highlight artwork that is meaningful to you, to bounce light off of mirrors, or to feature built-in shelving and cabinetry. By featuring elements in your home that you like with lighting, you’ll be drawing attention to the vibes they send you. An inspiring painting will inspire you daily when it’s featured properly.
Put in New Windows
Yes, this may be a larger project, but the benefits of new windows can far outweigh the costs associated. Sunlight has a number of health benefits, but one major one is that it can help your body , which helps increase your happiness.
Give your home the freedom to be more than an office cubicle. Let the outdoors come in with a set of new windows.
Not sure you’re ready? Consumer Reports help you decide .
Declutter the Entry Way
The entry way is the first space that greets you upon arrival to your home. It’s also the first space that gets cluttered with book bags, purses, shoes, etc. Spend a little time decluttering the entry by installing an organizational system to streamline the coming in and going out of your family and friends.
Bookshelves and benches are easily transformed into proper spaces when you add labeled baskets for every member of the family. Each member is responsible for putting his/her outerwear and items in the baskets for easy concealment and quick access.
Your home can promote positive outlooks when it is experiencing great care. Maintaining a home can do a lot in enhancing positivity, but try these renovation projects to take it one step farther.