Tag "positivity"

Meditation w/ Julie: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Meditation is being scientifically proven to help create a strong mind and body. Read for more information…

Growth & Development Through Yoga

Everything is moving, changing and evolving at all times. This shift can go towards a greater good or it can move towards darkness. What we think we become. Do you think more positive? Or negative?

BREATHE BIGGER: Wisdom from my parents

Do you ever have those moments as an adult where you don’t want to admit it, but your parents really did know what they were talking about when you were growing up? I remember resisting my parents like crazy….

Small Renovations that Will Help Enhance the Positivity in Your Home

A positive home is a home that is welcoming. To make your home an inviting place – one that both you and your guests wish to stay in – a

Stop the Negative Self-Talk! Give Yourself a #mindhug

We would never say to our friends, family, children, heck even strangers, the kind of things we tell ourselves. Why is it that our heads are often filled with negative self-talk?

Mental Reboot! 4 Ways to Cultivate a Beginner’s Mind

The other night I told my son to go wash his hands for dinner as I do every evening. The next thing I knew he is saying “mom watch this!

Why We Are All More than Our Facebook Posts

Keep sharing the good stuff on Facebook and we promise to keep liking it! A quick insider story on why it’s okay to talk about how awesome your life is.