Eating Clean on the Cheap

You might have heard that eating clean can add up quickly. Depending on what food choices  you make, it’s definitely possible to eat healthy without blowing your budget. Let’s not

Flow Through Fear

Some days, fear is crippling and freezes us in a place we feel protected. I remember a  conversation, at a party, about a woman who was so fearful of various

Change Maker Spotlight: Chris Corbett author of Nirvana Blues

 is an author and communications professional who has worked for  Walt Disney, Playboy Magazine and on an Academy Award-winning film in addition  to documentary film projects in Europe, America, and

Create Your Own Virtual Retreat at Home

“In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion. ” ~Albert Camus This is  the year we all need a little nurturing and by

8 Wellness and Fitness Gifts We Love Right Now

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

How to Create a Tranquil Garden

Our gardens are often something we take for granted. In fact, many of us don’t utilize out gardens at  all and spend most of our time at home inside our

Ready, Set, Reset!

With COVID looming around and almost a full year seems lost, I felt I had become detached  from myself. I began to feel the weight of the unknown and the

5 Benefits of Yoga for College Students

Most people assume that college students are young and should not be bothered about physical and  mental health issues that others face. However, that is not the case. As a

8 Reasons Why Collegians Should Start Doing Yoga

In college, various activities compete for a student’s time. Between maintaining good grades and  balancing their education with a healthy social life, a collegian’s time is usually stretched thin. However,

6 Yogic Lifestyle Tips for College Students

Yoga has come to be accepted as a healthy lifestyle choice by millions of people all over the Globe. In  the U.S alone, there are more than 20 million Americans