Journaling: 10 questions to ask yourself today!
Journaling is a great way to observe and make changes. Grab a pen and paper and ask yourself these 10 questions…
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE3 Simple Ways to Thrive In Life
Life isn’t easy, but we can make changes in our life to thrive and be our best! Here are 3 simple ways to do just that…
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLENurture Autumn (Vata Season) Gracefully
Vata season is here! Let’s take a look at the ayurvedic lifestyle approach to this beautiful time of year.
Meenakshi Gupta AYURVEDA, HEALTH, LIFESTYLEHello Monday!
Monday’s got a bad rap in our society. What if we could change that? Here is some inspiration power through every Monday…
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE10 Thoughts That Suck The Life Out Of You (motivation)
We’ve all experienced negative thoughts in out life. Don’t let these 10 thoughts suck the life out of you. Learn how to overcome them and take charge!
Brian McFadden INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLENurturing Sleep – 13 Ayurvedic Remedies for A Restful Night
Sleep is something we all love but can’t seem to get enough of. Luckily, there are certain remedies for sleep. Find out what they are!
Meenakshi Gupta AYURVEDA, LIFESTYLE10 Reasons To Date a Guy Who Does Yoga
Yoga is not known as a guys thing. But it’s catching on! Yoga Digest reveals all the reason why the yoga ladies should date a guy who does yoga.
Bernie Rybarczyk LIFESTYLEIs Your Pregnancy making you anxious?
Lots of weird symptoms come with pregnancy. Is anxiety one of them? Click here to find out.
Skila Ramirez LIFESTYLE6 Goals You’re Chasing That Might Be Ruining Your Life (Motivation)
We all have goals, but are they smart goals? Are we taking the right approach to our goals? Don’t let these 6 common goals get in the way.
Brian McFadden INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE12 Wellness Tips For Busy Moms
Being a mom is a busy chore. It’s hard to take care of yourself when you’re taking care of your kids. Here are 12 tips for busy mom to stay healthy.
Chris Freytag LIFESTYLE