Seven Simple Exercises to Achieve Fulfillment
If you are not feeling totally fulfilled, you are not alone. Nearly 80% of people interviewed for our long term study of fulfillment did not feel totally fulfilled
William Schiemann INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEThe Particles Within Self
If you currently feel you have no clue who you are, what you are supposed to do with your life or why you are here on this spinning rock called Earth…….you are not alone!
If you’re concerned about your health due to chemicals and pesticides, you should be. There are some dangerous chemicals in many foods that most of us don’t even know about. It’s a good time to go organic, here’s how!
Mollie McDonnell HEALTH, LIFESTYLESay No to Stress and Yes to a Long, Sexy Life
Everyday stressors like lack of sleep, financial anxiety, problems at work or with family, and societal pressure can interfere with all aspects of your lifeâincluding sexâespecially as you age. Here are some tips to lose the stress, not the sex.
Dudley Danoff LIFESTYLERise to Your True Calling
The term “svadharma” (“sva” meaning self) suggests that each of us has a true calling, a gift to give, and a sacred duty to offer the world that is distinctly ours.
Amy Ippoliti INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAYoga to Keep Your Digestion in the Holiday Spirit!
Yoga helps us manage and reduce stress in addition to creating balance in the body which can help our digestive functions stay in harmony. It can be hard to carve out time for class during the rush and bustle of the holiday season so Iâve highlighted a few simple poses you can do anytime to reduce stress and the repercussions it can have on our digestive system.
Rebecca Weible HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGA3 Ways to Move Forward Peacefully with Change
Our souls are born to expand and grow. It is our purpose in life to try new things, meet new people, have many relationships, and endlessly explore life as the fun journey it is meant to be. Nothing in nature stays the same, and we as humans constantly shift as well.
Kali Bliss INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEEight Truths Cultivated Through Yoga Teacher Training
I was thrown into a room for 200 hours with a group of 15 people that I had never met, all from diverse backgrounds and with strong differing opinions. I
Julie Hornok COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAFrom Basic to BOSS: How to Get Started in Advertising and Marketing Without Looking Like a Newbie
Getting your message out is your top task as a Conscious Entrepreneur. Doing it RIGHT is critical to your success.
Adi Shakti - The Six Figure Yogi COMMUNITY, LIFESTYLE, SPONSORED8 Lessons Children Will Learn From Traveling Abroad
Traveling can be one of the greatest teachers for all ages. Here are just a few lessons children can learn from experiencing a different place and culture. Pack your bags!