12 Days of Self Care for the Holidays

  Holidays are here bringing joy, cheer and also some added stress. You can ease into the holiday season with just a little thought and planning to incorporate self care

How Owning a Dog Can Improve Your Health

When injury and illness strikes, your road to recovery can be one filled with therapies and medications. You will require a lot of TLC, physical activity, and therapies. Healing is

Why Would They Do That To Me?

People meet you from where they are, not from where you are. Why would we expect anything else? Because we have a selfish side that really does expect people to

5 Tips for Healthy Skin in Winter

Winter can be harsh. The weather gets colder, time spent outside starts to disappear, and staying healthy begins to feel much more difficult. Some even experience seasonal depression. If you

Beat the Winter Blues with Yoga

It’s easy to fall into the winter blues when temperatures plummet and it’s dark and dreary outside. You might find that you start feeling lethargic and it might become harder

Stay Well in Winter Shopping Guide

We believe in shopping smart. Check out some great new products you purchase without the guilt!

5 Ways an Emotional Support Animal Can Help Ease Your Worries

Are you someone who often feels worried or anxious? If so, an emotional support animal (ESA) may be exactly what you need. Here are five ways in which an ESA

Change Maker Spotlight – Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness.

Currents of Energy: From Manifestation to Liberation

As you begin to plan your New Years’ resolutions you may want to consider the currents of energy within our bodies and how to manipulate them to create the life

Why Headstands Don’t Matter

As someone who struggles with getting upside down, I’ve heard a lot of conflicting advice from yoga teachers and students alike: Inversions don’t really matter. Inversions are essential in boosting