Posts From Jenn Bodnar

5- Minute Metta (Lovingkindness) Meditation for Beginners

Metta means positivity, love, and kindness and practicing this type of meditation is easy and great for beginners. Metta meditation can be a very powerful healing tool; creating good feelings

5 Ways To A Better Savasana Massage

Am I going to get a savasana massage at the end of class? Follow these simple tips to be picked for that awesome savasana massage!

Music Is Our Weapon- Change Maker Spotlight

Great people doing great things: see how this Change Maker is improving the quality of life for the elderly through music!

Hello Monday!

Monday’s got a bad rap in our society. What if we could change that? Here is some inspiration power through every Monday…

10 Step Yoga Nidra: Curing the Sleep Crisis

When you think of a crisis, getting enough sleep is probably not the first issue that comes to mind. According to Reader’s Digest, sleep deprivation now rivals obesity and smoking

Vegan Spinach Artichoke Dip

Going plant-based can be a challenging decision.   Figuring out where and what to eat takes an enormous amount of planning.   It also can be very intriguing to your

3 Elements of Transformation

As I write this, we are months into the global pandemic of 2020. We have absorbed more information, change and stress this year, most likely, than in our entire lives.

Inside Teaching for Equity: Maria (Amma) Claudia Fandiño Orozco

Maria (Amma) Fandiño Orozco, MSc, RYT 500 has been a devoted yoga practitioner for over 28 years and an enthusiastic biologist for 27 years. Amma’s passion is sharing yoga with

Mental Health Month Tips: Women’s Worth

Women’s lives are busier than ever these days and unfortunately, taking care of ourselves mentally often slips to the bottom of the to-do list. But, mental health and wellbeing deserve

Teaching for Equity w/ Kristina Graff: Yoga Digest Now Podcast

As we record this today, we are a little over a year since the pandemic hit.  So much came out of this time of confusion and uncertainty:  loss, isolation, fear,