7 Tips for Learning Yoga From Home – Jacob Lee
Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual exercise method that offers numerous benefits. Not only can you improve your overall health and build strength, but it also allows you to find harmony with your mind and body. For instance, numerous studies have found that routine yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety. Whether you’re a beginner or an avid yoga practitioner, you can reap the benefits of yoga with regular practice. However, not everyone has the budget or schedule to consistently attend yoga classes. Fortunately, there are several ways you can get started with yoga from home. Here are a few tips:
Create a Yoga Space
You don’t need to have a dedicated room for yoga, but having a dedicated space makes it easier for you to turn your practice into a habit. Whether you want to in your bedroom or family room, what matters is how you set it up.
Ideally, your yoga spot will have good ventilation and light. The main goal is to create a soothing environment. You can do this by paying attention to the ambiance. Soft lighting, candles, calm colors, and uncluttered spaces all contribute to an ideal yoga space. Smells, such as incense, aromatherapy sprays, flowers and plants, and scented candles also add a relaxing feel. Check out to give you some inspiration and direction.
Watch Online Videos
Hosting your own yoga sessions at home doesn’t mean you have to absolve yourself of instruction. Rather than embark on the mission online, sign up for a These digital courses allow you to both benefit from professional expertise as well as practice in the comfort of your own home. They are designed to walk you through yoga, starting with basic elements and increasing in complexity as each new week of instruction is complete.
Avoid Distractions
Multitasking might work well for you on a day-to-day basis, but yoga should be a distraction-free practice. This means you’ll need to put your phone on silent and work on your poses during times when it’s most quiet in your household. Too many distractions can detract from the mental benefits, as well as result in improper poses.
Maintain Consistency
On average, it takes about two months for learned behavior to become automatic. Keeping a regular schedule in your household ensures you’ll stay committed to your yoga routine. Ideally, you’ll practices just before the sun rises or just after the sun sets, depending on your schedule. The great thing about yoga is that it doesn’t require too much of a time commitment; anywhere from fifteen minutes to one hour a day will do. Beginners might prefer to start on the lower end as they learn and adjust.
Invest in Good Equipment
When you have all the necessary tools, you’re more likely to be comfortable with your practices and feel better equipped. Invest in a nice yoga mat for starters. Other yoga equipment you might consider purchasing include blocks (these help facilitate some of the more challenging yoga poses), meditation cushions, and straps.
Put on the Right Soundtrack
Not everyone enjoys listening to music while they practice yoga, but you’ll find that many classes do have tunes softly playing in the background. Meditation music is peaceful and rejuvenating; you can find curated playlists on Spotify and longer tracks on YouTube. Traditional and devotional Indian music is also a popular choice. And some people prefer to listen to the sound of natural elements, such as wind or waves on a beach. Find what works for you and makes it easier to concentrate.
Try New Poses
As you work through each new week of yoga, switch it up by adding new poses into your routine. By adding a new posture at regular intervals, you help keep your sessions fresh and avoid getting bored with your routines. And the more poses you try, the more likely you are to increase your flexibility and reap the full benefits that yoga has to offer.