Tag "stress relief"

Humility in Practice

In the end, it is humility that leads to inner peace and happiness, not pride, and it is also one of the many qualities that an asana practice can help us to cultivate…

Manufactured Stress And the Power of Choice

Stress, fear and the power of choice. You cannot control what happens to you, only your reaction.

Tips & Tricks to Turn Your Bathroom into a Zen Spa Sanctuary

Everyone needs a sanctuary from the rigors of modern life, but not everyone can remodel their home and spend a fortune doing it. Here are inexpensive solutions for creating your

Stress, Struggle & Strawberries: Inquire Within

  Eat the strawberry. That’s the thought that sticks out in my mind about that moment. And how tender it was, when just a couple hours before I was a

3 Mudras for Mood Enhancing

Mudras are powerful exercises stretching your hands and fingers. You use the power of your hands to press different reflexology points on your hands to send healing and release to different organs and the brain in your body.

The Key to Wellness Can Be Found in Ancient Mythology

Coming to your breath to handle stress is not a new concept. In fact ancient stories depict many of the same practices we have available to us today when dealing with negative emotions.