Tag "healthy tips"
BREATHE BIGGER: Wisdom from my parents
Do you ever have those moments as an adult where you don’t want to admit it, but your parents really did know what they were talking about when you were growing up? I remember resisting my parents like crazy….
Kim Bauman INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLENo Excuses: 5 Ways to Make Healthy a Habit
Habits are hard to form. Like anything else, they take practice! Here are 5 ways to make your habits healthy habits!
Lacey Pruett INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEGrowth & Development Through Yoga
Everything is moving, changing and evolving at all times. This shift can go towards a greater good or it can move towards darkness. What we think we become. Do you think more positive? Or negative?
Rene Hawthorne HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE3 Wellness Trends to Help You Stay Positive
With the new year in full swing, it can be overwhelming to think about that fitness goals you didn’t achieve last year. As you make new changes in 2019, shift
Ashley Kohler COMMUNITY, HEALTH, LIFESTYLEHard Work VS Inspired Action
“Hard work and struggle are the only ways to make it to the top in this world. ” Have you ever heard this? Or something like it? I sure have