Tag "growth"
You’re Either Green & Growing or You’re Ripe & Rotting…
My Momma always told me, “Kimberly, you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting. The good news is that, every day, you get to decide which one you’re going
Kimberly Spreen-Glick HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEHello Monday!
Monday’s got a bad rap in our society. What if we could change that? Here is some inspiration power through every Monday…
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLETransformation: Just When the Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly
We have all heard of the analogy, but here is a rare and up close view and the miracle, struggle, patience and unpredictability of change.
Julie Murphy INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, SPONSOREDGrowth & Development Through Yoga
Everything is moving, changing and evolving at all times. This shift can go towards a greater good or it can move towards darkness. What we think we become. Do you think more positive? Or negative?
Rene Hawthorne HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE5 Daily Habits of Happy People
A goal is everyone’s life should be happiness. But how do we achieve it? Here are the 5 daily habits of happy people.