Tag "ashtanga"
Yoga: Which Style Best Meets Your Needs?
Do you practice yoga (or want to practice) and find yourself confused by the seemingly countless styles? If so keep reading to understand the most common styles of yoga and the philosophies of each.
Jaylene Geisler YOGACrow Pose Bakasana
Crow pose, or bakasana, is an arm balance thatâs both empowering and challenging at the same time. The name comes from the posture of a cawing crow…
Yoga Digest YOGAChange Maker Spotlight: Eagle
One of the few authorized Ashtanga Yoga teachers in the world, Eagle shares his passion at Pineapple Yoga in Hawaii. It was nice to chat with Eagle about yoga:
Yoga Digest COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, SPONSORED, YOGAWhat are the 8 Limbs of Yoga
If you are in a regular practice of yoga, you will likely hear your teacher mention that there is more to yoga than poses and deep breathing. While this part
Yoga Digest YOGA10 Reasons To Date a Guy Who Does Yoga
Yoga is not known as a guys thing. But it’s catching on! Yoga Digest reveals all the reason why the yoga ladies should date a guy who does yoga.
Bernie Rybarczyk LIFESTYLE6 Benefits of Downward Facing Dog
Doward facing dog is the signature pose of yoga for good reason. The benefits are unbeatable! Click here to learn how to do it properly.
Jenn Bodnar YOGA