Change Maker Spotlight – Soulfull Project Founders, Chip & Megan
Megan Shea, Soulfull Co-Founder/CEO, has led its evolution to where it is today. Starting with our go to market strategy all the way to getting our products into the hands of people who need it, she makes Soulfull run. Drawing on her previous CPG and innovation experience, she is responsible for the overall operations including the business and sales strategy. She holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Inspired by the family we met in Texas, Chip Heim (Co-Founder/ President) has been on a personal mission to help others give back to those in need. Chip spends his time balancing between expanding the mission to every community in the United States and working personally with our giving partners to ensure we make a difference every day. Chip holds a BA from Penn State in Graphic design and relies on his years of experience working in design thinking to craft TSP’s mission and communication.
YD: How did you get into your business?
Megan: It is kind of a crazy story actually. We were on a business trip doing research and unexpectedly, we met a family with no food in their home, a mom and her 3 kids living hand to mouth. It really hit us hard. When we left there, we made a promise to help families in need. But, we got home and got back to every day life and never did anything. Life just got in the way.
A year later, we were working on another project in a warehouse in Camden NJ (an area that struggles with food insecurity) and there was a knock at the door. It was a mom and her kids looking for food for dinner. We gave her what we had on hand and went back inside. We realized at that moment that we didn’t help her very much and never kept that promise. So that night we sat down and The Soulfull Project was born.
We make great tasting wholesome cereal. With every serving you buy, we give one to a food bank in your region. So, it’s a “buy one give one ” that helps your neighbor.
YD: ¨How do you stay motivated and inspired to be the best you?
Megan: Running a company has so many challenges. There are great days and there are days you wish you stayed in bed. Whenever things get tough, we go out and volunteer at a food bank. Volunteering is one of the most uplifting and inspiring things for us. It kind of takes us back to where we started. It reminds us of why we created Soulfull and shows us how many people still need help. If you get the chance, take an hour and volunteer at your closest food bank. We promise, not only will you make an impact, but you will meet people that inspire you in ways you never imagined.
YD: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Megan: We have visited over 100 food banks across the country. Every single food bank we have stepped foot in, has introduced us to someone who has made an impact on our life. We have met so many dedicated and passionate people over the past few years. They have taught us to be thankful for what we have, how big of an impact one person can have and how to do big things with little resources. They are the unsung heroes in the fight against food insecurity.
YD: ¨Why is it important to have a message, mission and intention?
Megan: You always need a reason to be. What is your goal today, what are you trying to do better than you have ever done before? When you have a mission, it’s a commitment to accomplish something. The road to get there may be hard, but that’s what makes it so amazing when you finally do. Your mission is your filter. You always check and make sure that everything you do supports that mission. Our mission is the heart of our company and is a constant reminder of why we do what we do every day.
YD: What do you like least about your industry?
Megan: We actually love the industry we are in. The food industry is constantly evolving and always trying to find ways to adjust to what people want to eat. From health trends to taste trends to packaging trends there never a time when you can sit still and let things change without you. We have met so many people with all types of backgrounds that work for the smallest popcorn company to the largest energy drink company. We learn something from everyone. It’s a fun business that keeps you on your toes. We love it.
YD: ¨Where do you see yourself in the industry in 5 years?
Megan: We have a plan for Soulfull that goes well beyond breakfast. We think our mission can go into any aisle in the store … Even beyond the food store. Imagine a company that helps your neighbor every time you make a purchase. Imagine how big of an impact that can have on the world today?
YD: What is your life motto?
Megan: There is a solution to every problem. Don’t stop until you find it.