Change Maker Spotlight – Lara Heimann
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice and education, Lara is redefining the modern practice through her comprehensive LYT (Lara’s Yoga Training) Method, emphasizing smart alignment, functional movement, and spiritual wellness. Sustainable, freeing and efficient, LYT champions smarter, safer and more conscious movement patterns and is practiced worldwide through daily online classes at her newest initiative, . Additionally, Heimann leads teacher training certifications online and in person at her studio, YogaStream, in Princeton, NJ , and hosts international workshops and speaking engagements to speak about consciousness and purposeful movement. Through the holistic connection between body and mind, Lara’s methodology is a clear and influential roadmap to ignite the spirit to operate at its highest potential both on the yoga mat and off.
YD: How did you get into your business?
– I started off in the wellness – medical world by first being a fitness instructor during my college and graduate school while studying to become a physical therapist. In my years as a clinical
physical therapist, I continued working as a fitness instructor, both in aerobics and in spinning,
and soon after graduate school, I started teaching yoga. All of the different practices merged
into my business as a yoga studio owner, a creator of the LYT yoga method, and all of the LYT
yoga trainings and workshops that I lead. As consolidated as my business seems to be currently,
there were many steps along the way to arrive here.
YD: How do you stay motivated and inspired to be the best you?
LH – From an early age, self-care in the form of fitness and lifestyle was a non-negotiable. I stay
motivated by the feedback loop that was created over the years. Through discipline and
repetition, my mind and body know that I am my best self when I am active, eating well, and
being of service. The feedback loop is self-perpetuating – the more consistent I am with my
yoga practice and other forms of movement, the more energy I have to give to others.
YD: Why is it important to have a message, mission, and intention?
LH – I think having a message and mission keeps things clarified whenever obstacles or distractions
are present. My mission is for everyone to move better and feel better so that we as a
collective do better in our world, because our world needs it. Holding strong to my values and
mission makes decision-making easier. Through the lens of compassion for all beings, I am
clearer and unwavering in my actions.
YD: What is the biggest challenge in your industry?
LH – The challenge that is prevalent in many industries, including the yoga industry, is the infighting
that sometimes occurs. People in the yoga world, either threatened by their own insecurities or
scarcity mindset, can muddy the message that Yoga is about raising consciousness. I am serious
about my yoga practice but I don’t take my practice so seriously. I believe it should be playful
and joyful and be an outer symbol of my inner landscape. I believe that Yoga can be practiced in
many forms and that trying to put it in a box is not going to benefit anyone. There are enough
people in the world who need yoga, so I welcome all new yoga teachers and practices if the
higher goal is to raise consciousness of the human collective.
YD: Where do you see yourself in the industry in 5 years?
LH – I am forging my own path with my specific style of yoga that I’ve developed and will continue to
share it with anyone and everyone. I want to be a pioneer for better movement and healthier
lifestyles so we all can have more energy and awareness of the global issues and how to tackle
¨YD:What is your life motto?
LH – Above all, be kind. And kindness takes strength. So, fortify your body and spirit so that you can
always choose love over fear.