Posts From Julie Murphy

Meditation with Julie: Committing to your Purpose

Do you sometimes need a bit of help in being clear about your wishes and goals? This short meditation can be used as a daily commitment to remain focused on

Meditation with Julie: Travel De-stress

While seeing far away places can be exciting, getting there can sometimes be a huge stress. Long security line? Weather delay? Mechanical? Try this meditation before your next flight to stay calm and relaxed for your next trip!

Transformation: Just When the Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly

We have all heard of the analogy, but here is a rare and up close view and the miracle, struggle, patience and unpredictability of change.

Meditation with Julie: Just This Moment

We live in uncertain times, and it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and pressures of the world around us; feeling anxious about the future or about things

Meditation w/ Julie: Full Moon Cleansing:

Meditate on the radiant light of the full moon illuminating and cleansing any negativity that is ready to be released. Unburden yourself from attitudes, habits or circumstances that block you

Meditation with Julie: Sankalpa

Enjoy this short meditation on resolving to support your highest truth.

Meditation w/ Julie: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Meditation is being scientifically proven to help create a strong mind and body. Read for more information…