Help Your Kids Transition in Spring Time!
Even though this time of year can “come in like a lion ” with a few extra bits of snow and cold it’s a great transition that leads us into the “lamb ” of Spring time. It can be a tricky especially for kids as it’s akin to “hump day ” in that it’s what you have to get through in order to get to the warmth and joys of summer. However, it’s a great opportunity to practice noticing and bringing mindful, curious attention to our world. Approach spring time as a chance connect and explore rather than just plodding through.
Notice your inner world:
With the changing of the clock and longer days, help your kids take the time to pay attention to what’s happening in their minds and bodies. What comes up with transition, more sunlight, and longer days? Talk to your kids about how it all makes them feel in their bodies and minds. Are they excited for spring time? Do they have more energy? For some children change can make them anxious. Helping them become aware of what is going on inside in a non-judgmental way and naming their emotions and locating where the emotions live in their bodies can make this transition a smoother one. This kind of engagement can also give parents insight into how their children respond to transition and change on a broader scale and provide an opportunity to find ways to support their experiences.
Do some Yoga and breathe:
Once you begin exploring the feelings experienced this time of year then you can implement practices that support those feelings. If you have a child who is anxious and stressed as the unpredictability of March unfolds finding time to do some yoga or mindful meditation can help make things easier. Balancing poses like tree or eagle can cultivate focus and steadiness in the body and thus the mind. These poses challenge kids to find balance when things around them feel uncertain. The inevitable wiggles and giggles that come with these poses also provide a sense of fun in facing what’s’ difficult. If your children are eager and excited to get this month over with practice the warrior poses or even mountain pose. Finding strength and stillness will put them in the moment and help them find calm in the here and now. Do some belly breathing to feel centered or try lion’s breath to get out the extra pent up winter energy and emulate the ‘Lion ” that is spring.
Notice your outer world:
This is a fantastic time of year to not only practice paying attention to what’s inside but also what’s outside. Take some walks with your kids and try to spot signs of life in the plants and sky. Are their buds? Are the birds returning? What do you see? What do you hear? It’s a perfect chance to engage the senses and maybe journal or draw how the world changes from one season to the next. March can bring surprises so being alert and open to receiving them is a wonderful practice. Strengthening those “attention muscles ” will cultivate a joy and welcoming of all that is now and all that lies ahead.