What is AstroYoga? Your go-to guide
What is your zodiac sign? What does it mean about who you are? You’ve probably already got some ideas about that. However, what most yoga practitioners don’t realize is that zodiac signs can also be used to connect more deeply to the subtle
Astrology, like Ayurveda, is a sister science to yoga dating back to at least 1400 BCE. That’s a long, shared history that draws together yoga postures, the position of the stars, and the holding patterns present in the physical and subtle bodies. While it can take years to gain an in-depth knowledge of AstroYoga, getting started is easy!
There are two basic methods. The first is to do yoga that reflects the timing of the planets and seasons. You might already do this to some extent, as it is common to practice more rigorous yoga in the warmer months and more yin or restorative postures in the cooler months.
The second AstroYoga method is to perform yogic practices according to your personal astrological chart and planetary transits. While you might not have your entire astrology chart memorized, you may know your sun sign. You also might have already taken a deeper dive into the wonders of astrology and be familiar with your other major signs, such as your moon sign or ascendent.In a general way, the zodiac signs relate to various body parts and systems: the planets relate to the chakras, while the luminaries (Sun and Moon) relate to the nadis, or channels, in the body.
No matter what style of yoga asana you practice, asking yourself some basic questions relating to your zodiac sign can help you understand your tendencies and gain greater subtle body awareness. Zodiac signs can be over expressive, under expressive, or in balance. It’s likely that you cycle through these in different seasons or situations.
Check out your sun sign (or your moon sign or ascendent) below to learn more!
The cardinal fire sign, rules the head, related to the third chakra
Questions to consider: How are you holding your head in your asana practice? How do you feel when your heart is above your head (as in forward folds or inversions). How do you feel when your head is above your heart? What is your relationship with your third chakra?
Poses to try: sirsasana (headstand), wide legged forward fold, forward fold, rabbit
The fixed earth sign, rules the neck and throat, related to the fourth chakra
Questions to consider: Do you keep your neck long on all sides? Is either the throat more open with the head tilted back or the back neck open with the head tilted forward? Where do you set your gaze in your practice? What is your relationship with your fourth chakra?
Poses to try: matsyendrasana (fish), sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
The mutable air sign, rules the shoulders, arms, and hands, related to the fifth chakra
Questions to consider: What do you enjoy about weight bearing on your arms? What do you find challenging about it? How do you hold your shoulders as you move through practice and your day? What is your relationship with your fifth chakra?
Poses to try: arch pinch mayurasana (dolphin), vassistasana (side plank)
The cardinal water sign, rules the chest, breasts, and belly, related to the sixth chakra
Questions to consider: What is your relationship to your heart chakra? How do you feel in forward folds? How do you feel in backbends? Do you prefer sustained holds in postures or moving in and out on the breath? What is your relationship with your sixth chakra?
Poses to try: marjaiasana/bitilasana (cat/cow)
The fixed fire sign, rules the upper back, related to the sixth chakra
Questions to consider: How does your upper back feel during forward folds? How do you feel when you backbend? Do you prefer rigorous practice or easeful practice? Why? What is your relationship with your sixth chakra?
Poses to try: urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow), ustrasana (camel)
The mutable earth sign, rules the digestive tract and the low belly, related to the fifth chakra
Questions to consider: How particular are you in your practice? What benefits or limitations does your approach offer you? How do you feel when you twist? Do you leave space in twists for spinal length and breath? What is your relationship with your
fifth chakra?
Poses to try: ardhamatsyendrasana (seated twist/half lord of the fishes position), parivrtta trikonasana (revolved triangle)
The cardinal air sign, rules the lumbar back, related to the fourth chakra
Questions to consider: How do you find balance in your yoga practice? Do you maintain a long, curvaceous spine in your asana practice, or does it shift as you change postures? If there are shifts, where do they occur? How does your spine feel after a yoga practice? What is your relationship with your fourth chakra?
Poses to try: natarajasana (dancer), vrksasana (tree)
The fixed water sign, rules the sexual organs, related to the third chakra
Questions to consider: Do you prefer stable, sustained postures or dynamic motion? Why? As you practice yoga, how connected do you stay to the earth and to your root chakra? What is your relationship with your first and second chakras? What is your
relationship with your relationship with your third chakra?
Poses to try: malasana (garland pose), virabhadrasana II (warrior 2)
The mutable fire sign, rules the hips and thighs, related to the second chakra
Questions to consider: How do you feel in challenging positions? What postures in your asana practice make you feel most aware of your connection to higher consciousness? What is your relationship to hip openers? What is your relationship
with your second chakra?
Poses to try: anjanayasana (low lunge), eka pada kapotasana (one legged pigeon)
The cardinal earth sign, rules the knees and skeletal system, related to the first chakra
Questions to consider: Do you tend to lock your knees in postures, or to keep a bend in the knees? How much consideration do you give to alignment? To what extent does this help or hinder you? What is your relationship to your first chakra?
Poses to try: utkatasana (chair pose), ashta chandrasana (crescent high lunge)
The fixed air sign, rules the ankles and circulatory system, related to the first chakra
Questions to consider: How does it feel to stand on one foot? Do you have a preferred side for balancing? How do you feel in standing and seated postures? What is your relationship with your first chakra?
Poses to try: ardha padmasana (half lotus), ardha chandrasana chapasana (half moon with sickle bind)
The mutable water sign, rules the feet and the lymphatic system, related to the second chakra
Questions to consider: What is your relationship with your feet in yoga practice? Do you ground the blades of your feet and lift your arches in standing postures? How do your feet interact with each posture that you perform? What is your relationship with
your second chakra?
Poses to try: utthita hasta padangustasana (hand to big toe pose), prapadasana (toe balance)