Tag "transformation"
Transformation: Just When the Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly
We have all heard of the analogy, but here is a rare and up close view and the miracle, struggle, patience and unpredictability of change.
Julie Murphy INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, SPONSOREDHow I Recovered from Yoga Burnout
How’s your practice recently? Keeping a consistent practice on the days you don’t feel like it is a discipline many of us dedicated yogi’s have adopted. The natural order of
Melanie Williams HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGA3 Ways to Move Forward Peacefully with Change
Our souls are born to expand and grow. It is our purpose in life to try new things, meet new people, have many relationships, and endlessly explore life as the fun journey it is meant to be. Nothing in nature stays the same, and we as humans constantly shift as well.
Kali Bliss INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEYou’re Either Green & Growing or You’re Ripe & Rotting…
My Momma always told me, “Kimberly, you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting. The good news is that, every day, you get to decide which one you’re going
Kimberly Spreen-Glick HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEThe Depths of Winter – Dig deep and simplify to re-invigorate your yoga practice
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was, in me, an invincible summer. ” – Albert Camus With the holidays behind us and winter weather in
Valerie Knopik INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAYoga Bhavadhara Part One…Making the Case for a New Form of Yoga
T. Krishnamacharya, the grandfather of Modern Postural Yoga, made the following intriguing statements in his book Yoga Makaranda in 1935, “It is not true that those people [Westerners] are not