Tag "quotes"
18 Quotes To Help You Keep It Real
Keep it real with these 18 quotes from all kinds of leaders.
Yoga Digest INSPIRATIONQuotes by the Dalai Lama To Celebrate his 80th Birthday!
Today is the 80th birthday of the Dalai Lama who was born in a remote Tibetan village on July 06, 1935. Vibrantly optimistic about humanity, the Dali Lama has circled
Victor Parachin COMMUNITY, INSPIRATIONHappy Birthday Thich Nhat Hanh
Happy Birthday to the late great Thich Nhat Hanh! Here are 10 of his most inspiring quotes you won’t find anywhere else…
Victor Parachin INSPIRATION5 Mantras for Happiness in the New Year!
I absolutely love this time of year. The decorations, the lights, the hustle and bustle, the long lines, the crowded stores, time with family, time with friends, baking, cooking