Tag "natural"

Skin Food: Ayurvedic Diet for Beautiful Skin

What does it mean to be beautiful? How does one achieve that aura of well-being, that radiant glow? We all want to possess these intangible qualities. The ancient tradition of

The 6 Most Common Pregnancy Concerns and How to Heal Them Naturally

Essential oils are a wonderful, natural approach to aiding the body during the childbearing process. Learn more how they play into these 6 pregnancy concerns.

Ayurveda 101

Many of our modern day medical treatments are rooted in ayurveda practice. Ayurveda aims for balance with self healing practices like yoga…

5 Reasons To Make Your Own Beauty Products

Commercial beauty products are filled with harmful chemicals. Here is a guide to make your own homemade beauty products.

Why You Should (and how to) Make Your Own All Natural Bug Spray

Commercial bug sprays are filled with toxic chemicals that harm your skin. Keep the bugs off by making your own all natural bug spray.