Tag "healing"

The Amazing Benefits of Earthing

The theory of ‘earthing’ is simply walking barefoot or grounding your body to the Earth’s surface. It’s what our ancestors did and has many benefits!

Marine Claims Life Saved by Yoga

Sarah Plummer tells us her story as a marine and how yoga literally saved her life.

How Yoga Taught Me To Forgive

You know, sometimes all it takes is to close your eyes, take a deep breath and realize, its time to let go. Whatever it is that bothers you, or feels

Yoga Digest Now Podcast – JP Sears

Listen to this podcast to see the real JP Sears revealed. We talk comedy, sincerity and goat yoga. This podcast will leave you feeling ultra spiritual!

How Being in Nature Impacts Your Health and Wellbeing

Lets face it: the world we live in can be a mighty stressful place. While some level of stress in your life is inevitable, it’s important to recognize that stress

12 Yoga Poses For Back Pain

Almost every human will experience back pain in their lifetime. Yoga Digest breaks down 12 yoga poses to both ease the pain and reduce your risk.

In Search of a Blank Canvas: One mom’s artful journey to mindfulness

Mindfulness comes in many forms and in our mom’s case, unexpected ways. After our father fell ill to a rare and un-curable blood disease four years back, she transitioned in