Ghee – The Golden Elixir of Ayurveda
I grew up in a kitchen that always had big pot full of golden elixir near the stove ready to use for almost everything. I fondly remember helping mom making this soul food, scraping off the foam that would rise to the top and enjoying taking in the beautiful and rich golden color of the finished product once it was poured into the clean pots. That sweet aroma from the golden elixir always nurtures the mind. Yes, you are right, I am talking about Ghee (Clarified butter).
Ghee is extensively used in Ayurveda therapies and daily diet. Traditionally, ghee is made from cow milk after churning whole milk, separating the butter and clarifying it by heating it in pan on low flame. Ghee is considered to be one of the best substances that can strengthen digestion and metabolism and also nurture the tissues and rejuvenate the body.
10 Benefits of consuming ghee
1. It strengthens the brain and nervous system and promotes memory, intelligence, Agni (digestive fire) and Ojas (essential life energy).
2. Ghee is a great rasayana (rejuvenator) for the eyes
3. It enhances the digestive fire while cooling and alkalizing
4. It binds toxins and pacifies pitta and vata
5. Enhances complexion and glow of the face and body
6. It increases physical and mental stamina
7. Ghee supports learning, retention, and recall
8. Increases longevity
9. Ghee cools and lubricates the stomach wall
10. It nurtures and cleanses blood tissue
Ghee for skin care in Ayurveda
For topical use, ghee is prepared by washing it with water 100 times. Add equal amounts of water, mixing it thoroughly with hand for 3 – 5 minutes letting out the water. Then again add fresh water and continuing mixing & washing the ghee. In Ayurveda, it is advised to repeat the procedure for 100 times. This process transforms the ghee into a soft, cooling, nourishing, silky cream. ¨Recommended use: It is an excellent Astringent, Moisturizer, Anti-wrinkle & Cleansing cream. Can be used as a daily moisturizer on the face (or whole body) or for facial massage. Also, has calming effect on reddish or burned skin, and on eczema and rosacea.
How to use ghee
If you are new to the idea of ghee, you may be pondering how to incorporate ghee into your daily life. Ghee can be used as a replacement to butter or oil in any dish. It can be used to saut© veggies or it can be added to a lentil soups, stews and rice to increase the taste and texture of a dish. Some great meal options to add ghee to could be cream of wheat, oatmeal, porridge, rice dishes, kichari, stir-fry, casserole dishes, quinoa dishes, soup, and toast. Do use sparingly. When ghee is used improperly, it becomes harmful to the system. Therefore, a general recommended amount of ghee is about 1- ½ teaspoon per meal. Usually, after ghee consumption, it is good to have a warm beverage such as warm water. It’s also important to make sure proper digestive health is in place before starting the use of ghee.
May you be well nourished!
Meenakshi Gupta.
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