Change Maker Spotlight: Elaine Pearlman
Elaine Pearlman, born in Indianapolis, has been a Dallas resident for the past 34 years. She moved to Dallas after attending Indiana University for her undergraduate and law degrees and practiced law until 1996, when she retired to start a family and raise her two children. Elaine has been extensively involved in philanthropy and community service during her time in Dallas, serving on various boards and committees. Last year she led a spiritual mission with 18 women to Israel. Elaine is a two-year breast cancer survivor. Her current passion is her startup healthy granola company, Park Lane Pantry.
YD: How did you get into your business?
Elaine Pearlman: After being diagnosed with cancer in 2017, I adopted a cancer fighting diet. As a longtime granola lover, I couldn’t find a product with healthy ingredients. So, my daughter and I developed our own granola recipe and quickly realized we had a quality product that people loved. I then met Tiffany, who was in the Executive MBA program at SMU. Tiffany saw an opportunity to turn my granola making from a hobby to a business. She created a business plan and conducted blind taste tests at SMU – where Park Lane Pantry beat the top granolas on the market.. Tiffany and I joined forces and Park Lane Pantry was born.
YD: How do you stay motivated and inspired to be the best you?
EP: I stay motivated because I feel grateful every day to be alive. My amazing medical team, the support of family and friends and my curated diet have nourished me on a path to health that allows me to live my best life. Through my sales at local Farmers Markets, I have met other cancer patients and am enriched by their stories and journey to wellness. It’s gratifying for me to provide healthy, gluten free options to them and others without sacrificing flavor. I love seeing people’s reactions after they taste Park Lane Pantry granola because it validates for me that there is a need out there that I am filling.
YD: Why is it important to have a message, mission, and intention?
EP: People are drawn to a Founder’s story that is sincere and compelling. For me, Park Lane Pantry represents my recovery process. Both the nutritional ingredients and the process of creating the granola with my daughter helped me fight – and win – my battle with cancer. Sharing this very personal product feels like sharing a bit of myself with my community.
On my website you can read more about our Emoto positive mission and how we infuse positive energy into each small batch of granola. Like Dr. Emoto, we believe when we consciously express love and goodwill we can heal ourselves and feel putting positive energy into each batch of granola elevates it in a healing way. You can also learn about our collaboration with the Dwight Powell Children and Family support fund with UT Southwestern that helps families in need when a family member receives a cancer diagnosis. This cause is near and dear to my heart and we donate a percentage of all profits to this fund annually.
YD: What do you like least about your industry?
EP: I have found the entire industry fascinating, but my biggest challenge has been learning and understanding social media. I have never been much of a social media person – my kids used to joke that they would only be my friend on Facebook once I figured out how to friend them myself. I realize that social media has an important role in every business, especially a business that is trying to create a brand. Everyone can now officially follow @parklanepantry on , Twitter and and anyone can purchase on line as well at
YD: Where do you see yourself in the industry in 5 years?
EP: We hope to become the market leader in the healthy nutritious snack space in the country. We are just in our infancy, but we have incredible momentum. We formed officially as a company in February 2019, we then launched at the Saint Michael’s Farmers market on April 27th and started on line sales in mid May 2019. Our sales are great so far, and we have exciting new opportunities and big plans in store for Fall 2019.
YD: What is your life motto?
EP: I don’t think I can surmise my essence into one life motto, but I can share a few thoughts. I collect quotes and love so many of them but the one I am feeling strongly right now is that
” Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute, with love, grace and gratitude.”