Posts From Kimberly Spreen-Glick

3 Daily Practices For a Positive Life

3 Simple tips to help you slow down and be in the moment!

Hard Work VS Inspired Action

“Hard work and struggle are the only ways to make it to the top in this world. ” Have you ever heard this? Or something like it? I sure have

5 Tips For Bringing New People Into Class

How do we as teachers get more people through the door and into our class? I get asked this question a lot. Here are 5 tips..

The Power of Theming in a Yoga Class

I have to say that I completely agree with Sara Avant Stover of Yoga Journal when she stated, “Using themes can turn your yoga classes from mundane to memorable. ”

Are We There Yet?

In this crazy busy world we live in where there often doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done, I find that many(most) of

You’re Either Green & Growing or You’re Ripe & Rotting…

My Momma always told me, “Kimberly, you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting. The good news is that, every day, you get to decide which one you’re going

Spring Training? Spring Cleaning? A New Perpsective.

Ahhh Spring! Such a beautiful time of year. There are examples of renewal and rebirth all around us in nature and it is as energizing as it is amazing! Many

10 Characteristics of the Best Yoga Teachers

I’ve been asked often over the years, “what are the top characteristics found in the very best teachers? “. These would be the key attributes that set apart the true