Posts From Kali Bliss
Finding the Happy Path with Yoga
More you practice yoga, the more you learn it’s not about the poses, it’s the journey through them that awakens you from the inside out.
Kali Bliss INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLESummer Time Ayurveda Wellness & Digestion Tips
The summer season inspires us to get outside more, play in nature, and have more fun! Often it is the season where we let loose, work less, and choose to
Kali Bliss AYURVEDA, HEALTH, LIFESTYLE5 Life Lessons Kundalini Yoga has Taught Me:
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Though it appears quite dogmatic, extreme and overly spiritual with people in white chanting, wearing turbans, and moving in auspicious ways, it is
Kali Bliss YOGA5 Ways Energy Healing Can Help You
Energy healing is a fabulous way to reform your body and open you up to feel better in all aspects of your life! Here are 5 ways it can help!
Kali Bliss LIFESTYLESpring Renewal: 11Tips for Balanced & Mindful Living
Spring is the fresh new start of the astrological new year. Yogis believe it is when we are all able to have a fresh new cycle to plant new seeds
Kali Bliss LIFESTYLEYoga, Peace & Ease
11 Yogic Ways to Find Peace and Ease during the Holidays The holidays can be a busy, stressful, and sometimes lonely time of year. It’s easy to get caught up
Kali Bliss INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE4 Ways Yoga and Meditation Can Help Athletes with Injury and Pain
Athletes get hurt from time to time -that’s just one of the risks of any sport. Injuries can sideline anyone from a promising young prospect to a seasoned pro,
Kali Bliss HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGA3 Ways to Move Forward Peacefully with Change
Our souls are born to expand and grow. It is our purpose in life to try new things, meet new people, have many relationships, and endlessly explore life as the fun journey it is meant to be. Nothing in nature stays the same, and we as humans constantly shift as well.
Kali Bliss INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE13 Ayurveda Tips For Fall: Allowing Change and Transformation
The Fall Season ignites change within us all. It’s a new cycle, a time to evaluate the last 6 months and consider what the year has taught us. If we
Kali Bliss AYURVEDA, LIFESTYLE, SPONSORED, YOGACelebrate Love Within You
If you can’t love yourself, how can anyone else? Be your own Valentine!