Posts From Angela Ambrose
5 Signs You’re Faking Yoga
We all engage in unhealthy, ego-driven habits from time to time, but the first step towards change is awareness. Make your yoga mat a sacred place…
Angela Ambrose INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGA7 Tips for Cutting Back on Social Media
If your phone or tablet is always within reach – in your back pocket, at the dinner table or by your bedside – it’s easy to start mindlessly scrolling and
Angela Ambrose COMMUNITY, HEALTH, LIFESTYLEWhy We Keep Failing at New Year’s Resolutions
Very few people take New Year’s resolutions seriously. According to a recent study, only 8 to 12% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them, and less than
Angela Ambrose HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEWhy Exercising Outdoors Makes You Much Healthier and Happier
With the arrival of cooler fall temperatures, you’ll have more reason to get out and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Here are a few health benefits of taking your
Angela Ambrose HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEHow to Avoid those Embarrassing Moments on Your Yoga Mat
Don’t overestimate your abilities. In yoga class the other day, the burly guy right behind me tumbled out of handstand and narrowly missed landing on me, his flailing feet grazing
Angela Ambrose LIFESTYLE, YOGA