Tag "yoga teacher training"

Eight Truths Cultivated Through Yoga Teacher Training

I was thrown into a room for 200 hours with a group of 15 people that I had never met, all from diverse backgrounds and with strong differing opinions. I

The Power of Theming in a Yoga Class

I have to say that I completely agree with Sara Avant Stover of Yoga Journal when she stated, “Using themes can turn your yoga classes from mundane to memorable. ”

How Yoga Chose Me

Just an everyday overachieving, hypervigilent, perfectionist, striving for success, kinda girl. Two educations and two careers. Interior Design and NASM Personal Trainer. You say, “I’m successful and a great mom,”

10 Characteristics of the Best Yoga Teachers

I’ve been asked often over the years, “what are the top characteristics found in the very best teachers? “. These would be the key attributes that set apart the true