Tag "practice"
Asana Practice from Inside Out
Itâs not only safer to practice like this, but youâll begin to experience another dimension of asana practice.
Wai Lana SPONSORED, YOGAPracticing the Yamas and Niyamas in the Teacher-Student Relationship
Historically, the teachings of yoga have been passed down from guru to disciple. Both parties would consider carefully whether to enter into the relationship, because it was a significant commitment
Lainie Devina YOGAThree Pose Practice!
Owning a yoga studio for almost 20 years was the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. Some of my fondest memories are of sitting with students after class
Leeann Carey YOGAStart Walking
What if I were to tell you that there is a magical city. Once you pass through its gates, you can read people’s minds. You can make yourself invisible or