Tag "challenge"
Asana From Every Angle: Crow Pose
Crow pose is one of the first arm balances we learn in yoga. But should you be doing it? See what the doctor, instructor and therapist have to say!
Lauren Black YOGASee the Silver Lining in Difficult Times
Do you thrive or dive in difficult times? Is your happiness buildt on the foundation that things must happen in a set way to enable you to be complete? If
Janey Bowyer HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE#Instagram #Yogis: A Close Look At Instagram Challenges
Instagram challenges offer yogi’s a chance to show their passion and get recognized. We asked Dylan Werner and Ashley Galvin give us their perspective.
Jenn Bodnar YOGAWhat Shackles Keep You Bound?
Several weeks ago, I spent my days sequestered to a courtroom to serve on a for a federal court case. All sorts of witnesses testified – including convicted felons as