Posts From Lauren Black
Asana From Every Angle: Shoulder Stand
Shoulder stand is a great inversion with many benefits. Find out all about this pose and if you should be using a blanket when getting into this pose.
Lauren Black YOGAAsana From Every Angle: Boat Pose
A strong core is the key to most yoga poses, and this pose is a phenomenal core strengthener. I think of boat pose as a staple yoga pose. It could
Lauren Black YOGAAsana From Every Angle: Camel Pose
Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is practiced in nearly every branch of yoga. But what does it do for us? See what the doctor has to say!
Lauren Black YOGAAsana From Every Angle: Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) is one of the first poses we learn in yoga. Hear the benefits from the yoga instructor, doctor, physical therapist…
Lauren Black YOGAAsana From Every Angle: Crow Pose
Crow pose is one of the first arm balances we learn in yoga. But should you be doing it? See what the doctor, instructor and therapist have to say!
Lauren Black YOGA