Tag "best yoga teachers"
Yoga Wisdom Unlocks the Secret to Real Happiness
The secret to achieving lasting, deeply satisfying happiness is a mystery thatâs baffled people since the beginning of time. But the key to real happiness can be found in the ancient science of yoga.
Wai Lana SPONSORED, YOGA10 Characteristics of the Best Yoga Teachers
I’ve been asked often over the years, “what are the top characteristics found in the very best teachers? “. These would be the key attributes that set apart the true
Kimberly Spreen-Glick INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAChange Maker Spotlight: Eagle
One of the few authorized Ashtanga Yoga teachers in the world, Eagle shares his passion at Pineapple Yoga in Hawaii. It was nice to chat with Eagle about yoga:
Yoga Digest COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, SPONSORED, YOGA5 Tips For Bringing New People Into Class
How do we as teachers get more people through the door and into our class? I get asked this question a lot. Here are 5 tips..