Yoga and the Athletes Transition
Many athletes are not sold on yoga in the beginning. However, after they feel the benefits, the yoga transition becomes addictive…
Rod Raymond LIFESTYLE, YOGA4 Reasons To Forgive and Move On
Forgive and move on. Depending on your personal experience, to forgive and move on is much harder then it sounds. These 4 reasons may help you…
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEThe Ayurvedic Approach to Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in our society. While there is no cure, there are ayurvedic remedies to help control diabetes.
Meenakshi Gupta AYURVEDA, HEALTH, LIFESTYLE5 Easy Daily Detox Habits
Unless you are eating a clean, organic raw food diet that detoxes your body naturally, your body needs extra detoxifying boosts to get rid of the toxins.
Yoga Digest LIFESTYLEWhy You Should (and how to) Make Your Own All Natural Bug Spray
Commercial bug sprays are filled with toxic chemicals that harm your skin. Keep the bugs off by making your own all natural bug spray.
Jenn Bodnar LIFESTYLE, RECIPES2 Reasons to Never Eat Processed Foods Ever Again
Processed foods make up a majority of the Western Diet. However, no one realizes what they are eating, if they did, probably wouldn’t be eating it…
Yoga Digest HEALTH, LIFESTYLE4 Reasons To Stop Caring What Others Think
Life is too short to care what others think. Here are 4 reasons to help motivate you to ALWAYS be yourself!
Jenn Bodnar INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE17 Things To Stop Wasting Your Time On
We all have same amount of time. Some of us use it more effectively then others, and it shows. Are you wasting time on these things?
Brian McFadden INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEHealing Anxiety & Depression The Ayurvedic Way
Two of the most common mental health concerns in our society are depression & anxiety. Ayurveda has an approach to combat both!
Meenakshi Gupta AYURVEDA, HEALTH, LIFESTYLE4 Ways To Save Money Eating Organic
Buying organic is on the rise, but so are the prices. For alot of us, budgets do not permit us buying 100% organic.