Maintain Vaginal Health With These Three Tips
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Jenn Bodnar Vaginal Appreciation Day (April 23rd) is on the horizon but it’s always a good time to check in with your own vaginal health.
There are some easy ways you can upkeep “down there” to ensure a healthy, optimal environment.
- Eat the right foods. There are many benefits to but choosing specific foods can be a great way to keep your vagina healthy. Start by drinking plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and veggies, choose lean proteins and whole grains. Be sure to include prebiotics and . Apples, bananas, asparagus, garlic, onions and oatmeal are some of the best prebiotic choices. Probiotic rich foods include yogurt and kombucha. There are great supplements out there as well. My favorite is . Not only does it support vaginal and urinary tract but also digestive and immune health in just one veggie capsule per day. The 10-billion CFU formulation features six science-backed strains, including strains native to a woman’s body, helping to empower women to prioritize vaginal health.
- Practice Clean Sex. Make sure lubricants are free from fragrance, added colors, glycerin, paragons, petroleum and any other ingredients that can throw off your pH balance. (The same is true for any tampons or pads, keep it clear of scents.) Stick with water based lubricants or for a natural choice, use coconut oil. Check condom ingredients as well. Avoid any brands that are made with spermicides which can kill your vagina’s good bacteria. After sex you should flush the area by urinating and shower or clean the area with warm water. If you have a new partner, ask about their sexual health and stay on top of yours with routine testing.
- Dress the part. Stick with natural fabrics like cotton underwear over satin, silk, nylon or spandex. Change out of wet or damp clothes quickly after working out or swimming. It’s healthy to have some natural discharge but if it’s excessive, change underwear twice a day. Be mindful of what you wash with and sure that your detergent is free of harmful chemicals that may cause irritation or allergies. The jury is out on thongs but some believe fecal matter can travel to the vagina. All agree though that going “command” avoids moisture being trapped so try foregoing underwear altogether as much as possible.