Tag "retreats"
5 Tips to Teaching Yoga In a Foreign Country
1. You’re Not in Kansas Anymore Forget what you are used to back home, you are in a foreign country! Teaching yoga in a foreign country, where yoga is a
Bekka Glass LIFESTYLE, YOGAYoga Digest Best Yogi Destinations for 2017
Traveling to unfamiliar destinations and meeting a variety of people will not only rejuvenate your spirit but helps to boost confidence, compassion and self-awareness…
Yoga Digest COMMUNITY, LIFESTYLE, SPONSOREDFailing with Social Media? Here is Help
Social media can be confusing (even overwhelming!). These 4 Action Steps will get you moving in the right direction.
Adi Shakti - The Six Figure Yogi COMMUNITY, SPONSORED6 Ways a Yoga Retreat Can Change Your Life
Yoga Retreats can change your life. Here are 6 reasons why.
Marina Gafanovich LIFESTYLE