Tag "purpose"
Meditation with Julie: Committing to your Purpose
Do you sometimes need a bit of help in being clear about your wishes and goals? This short meditation can be used as a daily commitment to remain focused on
Julie Murphy HEALTH, YOGAA Sacred Routine – A How To Guide For Beginners
Our energy is sacred. Our time is sacred. And we are creatures of habit. There is a deep part of us that craves stability. That craves routine. That craves those
Kayla Ring HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEHow Heartache Leads to Purpose
As a society, we are conditioned to celebrate and acknowledge only that which makes our life appear blissful and perfect. Our ego is fearful that if we dared shine light
Kayla Ring COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEWhat Travel Has Taught Me About Eliminating Unnecessary Things from My Life
Travel is a good motivator for helping me realize itâs okay to remove useless things from my life…
Kacey Mya Bradley INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLECreating a Life that Matters
Are you doing what matters most to you? Does your work give your life meaning? I’m not asking whether you are happy, but whether your life has meaning. A study
Pete Bissonette LIFESTYLE