Tag "motivation"
Rainy Days, Mondays: How to Weather Your Life
Today is a good day. I exercised, practiced yoga, worked, spent time with my husband and son, and sat barefoot in the sunshine. Last Monday was not a good day.
Karen Costa INSPIRATION3 Ancient Yoga Practices to Motivate You Today
Motivation has been around for centuries. See how these ancient yoga concepts can help keep you on track today and everyday!
Rachel Land HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLEThe Accidental Yogi (and How I Turned into a Purposeful Yoga Practioner)
It’s never too late! Learn how this accidental yogi found her path somewhat later in life and now shares it with the world one person at a time.
Michele Hart Corley INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAHello Monday!
Monday’s got a bad rap in our society. What if we could change that? Here is some inspiration power through every Monday…