Tag "how to meditate"
10 Ways to Celebrate National Meditation Month
May has been designated National Meditation Month. If you’ve been wanting to meditate or if you’ve had a desire to do more meditation, this is the month to start. Here
Victor Parachin LIFESTYLE, YOGAMeditation Make-Over
With the ‘mindfulness movement’ in full force, everyone is trying to become more woke and self-aware. Many are touting practices that help TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. There is so much new
Misti Dian HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAAre You a Terrible Meditator and Can You Fix the Problem?
Several years ago talk show host Michael Feldman of the NPR show “Whad’Ya Know ” was interviewing author and The New York Times columnist Patricia Marks. Marks said she paid
Jay Marcus HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, YOGADemystifying Meditation
What hinders your practice? Though the effect of a dedicated is equanimity; it’s ironic that for most students at the onset of meditation, the mind resists with the