Simple Healthy Kitchen Swaps
Spring is in the air! This time of year we tend to find ourselves in the cleaning mood – whether it
be our kitchen floors at home, purging dusty sports equipment in the garage, or consuming
foods to aid our bodies function. The bottom line is we want to be clean everywhere we can be.
So, let’s clean up that kitchen pantry with these easy healthy kitchen swaps. (On a serious note
– don’t contribute to food waste. Be sure to finish what you have before buying anything new).
Now turn up that music and get cleaning!
Swap This….For That
100% Whole Wheat Bread for Sprouted whole grain bread.
Sprouting grains (like wheat) increases many of the grains’ key nutrients, including B vitamins,
vitamin C, folate, fibre, and essential amino acids.
White rice for Quinoa’s cheaper cousin millet.
Millet is a good source of manganese, phosphorus and magnesium and contains niacin, folic acid and
vitamin B6. It also contains 4 g of protein per 1/2 cup.
Canola Oil for Avocado Oil
Avocado oil contains heart healthy monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. Plus with its smooth, buttery flavour and a smoke point of up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit avocado oil is the perfect oil for high heat cooking.
Afternoon cup of coffee for Kombucha
This fermented effervescent drink contains friendly bacteria and B vitamins to perk you up. Low fat or no fat dairy 2% dairy is back in style as low fat or no fat dairy, unless packed with plenty of fibre, is not very
satisfying and can lead to overeating. Choose grass-fed dairy, which has a more balanced omega-3.