Keep Biting Insects in Check with Essential Oils!
Summertime rains and longer days are the perfect ingredients for insect to be out in full force and proliferate! Insect repellants are a must today, but rather than douse yourself in DEET, there are organic alternatives to protecting your skin from pesky biting insects.
It is counterproductive to use a harmful toxin like DEET just to prevent being infected by harmful pests. According to CDC, children who are exposed to toxicity of DEET can suffer from headaches, seizures, and convulsions. DEET can dissolve glass frames and fabrics, which raises huge concerns of the effects it has on our skin over time.
Because it is a serious thing to consider that DEET could do more harm than help, select from the natural alternatives below that can keep pesky critters at bay. and spray away with a clear conscience!
Oils to repel insects:
Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) has been known for centuries particularly as an effective mosquito repellant. It’s highly prized lemony, sweet aroma has been and continues to be popular with perfumers, but not liked by those irritating mosquitoes. Feel confident and spray this all over to repel biting insects.
Patchouli (Pogostemom cablin) has been used throughout its native Asia for centuries as an insect repellant, as well as a perfume for clothing, another way to wear the musky earthy scent with a dual purpose of keeping moths at bay.
Lemon Scented Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) is a eucalyptus species whose leaves give off a lemony, citrus odor when crushed and are distilled for their essential oil. This scent has been used in its native S. Africa as a natural bug throughout time. It has proven effective against mosquitoes in numerous studies.
Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) is another wonderful essential oil that is obtained from the wood, sawdust and shavings of this slow growing evergreen that is native to the mid Atlantic. Its woody balsamic scent has been know to repel insects for centuries, and was used extensively in building closets to keep moths away! It’s scent had also been proven to help keep other biting insects at bay.