Change Maker Spotlight: Meryl Best Lowell
Meryl Best Lowell is a breast cancer survivor and Yoga Nidra facilitator who helps children live happier through her book The Dolphin’s Secret: A Meditational Journey for Children. Lowell believes that Yoga Nidra makes meditation and deep relaxation accessible to everyone. She received her certification as an advanced level facilitator of Yoga Nidra at the Amrit Yoga Institute in Salt Springs, Florida in October of 2016. She credits the practices of Yoga and Yoga Nidra with giving her the inner resources to venture into rock climbing, skydiving, and parasailing.
YD: How did you get into your business?
MBL: I consider this my vocation and feel that all of my life experiences brought me to this place. I have always wanted to make a positive difference in the world. Yoga Nidra made such a positive impact on my life that I decided to be a trained Yoga Nidra facilitator. Facilitating Yoga Nidra offers me a way to authentically share in a way that makes a positive impact on others. Just over a year ago, I was in a yoga teacher training/life mastery program and was constantly thinking about and trying to integrate the tools and concepts I was learning into my life. One day while I was hiking, I received the idea to write children’s books which incorporate the mindfulness techniques of Yoga Nidra in the story.
YD: How do you stay motivated and inspired to be the best you?
MBL: I do at least one Yoga Nidra every day, and often two. I find that when I do one mid-afternoon, I am both relaxed and energized for what is next in my day. I also try to be consciously grateful. I was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer when I was 43, so I am very thankful for second chances and silver linings. I don’t take this life for granted.
YD: Why is it important to have a message, mission, and intention?
MBL: I think it is important, because when you have one, it informs the choices you make in life. Something is either consistent with my mission or intention or it is not. If it is not, it comes into my awareness sooner by virtue of having the intention. When that occurs, I have the opportunity to choose again and keep moving in a more positive direction.
YD: ¨What do you like least about your industry?
MBL: I’m new to all of this so I don’t have any complaints yet. I have felt very supported by fellow indie authors and am hopeful my book will be well-received by the yoga community as well as children and their parents and elementary school teachers.
YD: ¨Where do you see yourself in the industry in 5 years?
MBL: I am hopeful I will have published a couple more books in the same vein that will help children learn the mindfulness techniques of Yoga Nidra in a fun way. I hope to have the opportunity to facilitate Yoga Nidra for more groups and I will make some Yoga Nidra recordings.
YD: ¨What is your life motto?
MBL: “Live the life you love. Love the life you live. ” I thought it was from Bob Marley, but I just looked it up and see that the Life Is Good brand uses it too. A mantra I frequently say is “Peace, joy, love in my life and in the lives of others. ”