Chakras and Color Healing
What Everyone Needs To Know About Their Chakras and Color Healing
Each of the seven chakras is governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and well-being in our lives and in the world.
The First Center: The Root Chakra – Muladhara
Common Name: Root Chakra
Located: Base of spine, the sacral plexus
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body’s organs of excretion and the adrenals; it also influences the sense of smell. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat survival and rules the primal instinct. Its element is earth, its color is red, and its mantra is “Lam.” Connect with this chakra to access your primal life-force.
The Second Center: Creativity Chakra – Swadhisthana
Common Name: Sacrum/Sacral Chakra
Located: Genitals
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body’s reproductive organs and gonads; it also influences the sense of taste. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-acceptance, raw emotion, and sexual energy. Its element is water, its color is orange, and its mantra is “Vam.” Connect with this chakra to access your creativity.
The Third Center: Energy Chakra – Manipura
Common Name: Solar Plexus Chakra
Located: Navel
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the pancreas and abdominal organs; it also influences the sense of sight. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-will, mental acuity and sense of identity. Its element is fire, its color is yellow, and its mantra is “Ram.” Connect with this chakra to access your subconscious emotion, ego and willpower.
The Fourth Center: Heart Chakra – Anahata
Common Name: Heart Chakra
Located: Heart Area
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body’s lungs and thymus; it also influences the sense of touch. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat compassion, love and healing. Its element is air, its color is green, and its mantra is “Yam.” Connect with this chakra to access love.
The Fifth Center: Expression Chakra – Vishudha
Common Name: Throat Chakra
Located: Laryngeal Plexus
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body’s thyroid; it also influences the sense of hearing. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat self-expression and speech. Its element is ether, its color is blue, and its mantra is ham. Connect with this chakra to access creative expression and communication.
The Sixth Center: Intuition Chakra – Ajna
Common Name: Third-Eye Chakra
Located: Between the eyebrows, forehead
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body’s pituitary gland; it also influences the sixth sense – the higher mind. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat intuition and extra-sensory perception. Its element is time, its color is indigo, and its mantra is “Aum.” Connect with this chakra to access your primordial, supernatural power.
The Seventh Center: Consciousness Chakra – Sahasrara
Common Name: Crown Chakra
Located: Top/crown of head, brain
Details and Governance: The root chakra governs the body’s pineal gland, and its influence is beyond the sensory realm. Emotionally, this chakra is the seat divinity, peace, and enlightenment. Its element is space, its color is violet, and its mantra is silence. Connect with this chakra to access all-knowing, eternal bliss and liberation from all things corporeal/material.
Chakra Color Healing Meditation
The chakras are often described as a rotating wheel or vortex of energy, and in the following exercise, you may find it helpful to visualize them as such. Because of the powerful connection between colors and the chakras, by applying the appropriate color, their functioning is improved and balanced. This principle can be used to give an overall boost to the system, to focus on a specific area of the body, or to strengthen the dimension of life associated with a particular chakra. The method is simplicity itself.
- Close your eyes and visualize the color corresponding to the chakra you wish to enliven.
- Now place both hands over your eyes and visualize that particular color flowing into the palms of your hands and energizing them.
- Place both hands over the chakra area down the front of the body and visualize the color flowing into the body, directing the color through the spinal chakra point.
- Repeat the same procedure for any or all of the remaining chakras, usually for three minutes at a time, to align, restore, harmonize, and balance.
- Check the chakras to see if they are retaining their colors. Take a glimpse of your whole body and see if you can imagine it as a continuous rainbow. Take a moment to notice which colors are strongest or brightest. Also noticing which colors feel nourishing or energizing. The colors that feel the most welcome represent energies that you need most at this time. The colors that feel the least welcome represent areas that you typically avoid or where there may be difficulty – but you need them just the same. Pale or washed-out colors represent weak areas; strong colors, places of strength and solidity. Internally play with the colors until they feel balanced to you. This helps to balance your aura as well.
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” ~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross