Posts From Valerie Knopik

Yoga and Meditation – The Fountain of Youth?

Feel younger…just by breathing? Science meets philosophy in this article on how yoga keep you young!

Epi-what? Change your internal landscape part 2: Epigenetics and how it reduces depression and increases longevity

In my last Yoga Digest article, we explored the concept of neuroplasticity as it relates to yoga and mindfulness. In this article, we dive a little deeper and investigate epigenetics.

The Depths of Winter – Dig deep and simplify to re-invigorate your yoga practice

  “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was, in me, an invincible summer. ” – Albert Camus With the holidays behind us and winter weather in

Changing your internal landscape – a (not so) little (and super cool) thing called neuroplasticity

There is growing research that mindfulness-based techniques, such as yoga and meditation, induce changes in brain structure and function. How can this happen? What are the underlying mechanisms? How can

Polyvagal Theory and the Breath

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing a lot about the vagus nerve of late. From its  association to stress, mental health and wellness to heart rate variability

Fall Reboot: 4 tips to stay grounded during this season of transition

Transitions, whether it be from season to season or just lazy summer days to the craziness of school, can bring challenges.

We tend to feel scattered, ungrounded, and just ‘off.’ Our daily routine, and to a deeper extent, our goals, can be clouded by the anxiety that accompanies transitions and we can easily lose track of what’s important to us. Here are 4 tips for a Fall Reboot –

Back to Basics: Breath is the New Black

  Lately I’ve been fascinated by the human brain’s proclivity for being seduced. Yoga students are seduced by the fancy (and perhaps erroneously labeled ‘advanced’) yoga poses. University students are