Posts From Susan Verde

Managing the Holidays Mindfully

The Holidays can be a wonderful time of year filled with smells and tastes and sights that engage and excite the senses. It can also be a time filled with

Going to the Mat: 5 Ways Yoga Helped Me Leave a Bad Relationship by Rediscovering My Truth

It had been years, years of miscommunication and misunderstanding, years of anger of not feeling “seen” of losing myself or maybe hiding myself…

Mental Reboot! 4 Ways to Cultivate a Beginner’s Mind

The other night I told my son to go wash his hands for dinner as I do every evening. The next thing I knew he is saying “mom watch this!

How Mindfulness Has Helped Me with Separation

As much as the summer is my absolute favorite time of year, this summer so far has been one full of BIG emotions. My 14-year-old son decided last year he

Stop the Negative Self-Talk! Give Yourself a #mindhug

We would never say to our friends, family, children, heck even strangers, the kind of things we tell ourselves. Why is it that our heads are often filled with negative self-talk?

Three Kids Yoga Poses to Help Start Fall on the Right Foot

Try these 3 yoga poses with
your kids to help them create a foundation of strength and balance that will carry them
into Fall and through the seasons.

Help Your Kids Transition in Spring Time!

Even though this time of year can “come in like a lion ” with a few extra bits of snow and cold it’s a great transition that leads us into

5 Kid-Friendly Gratitude-Building Practices for Thanksgiving

The holidays can be a lovely time that brings food, family and friends together. It’s often a time of abundance…food, gifts, loved ones. As parents and caregivers we want our kids to enjoy all that they have, but also feel and express gratitude for both the material and non-material, and have a desire to give as much as receive.

A Mantra Practice for Fall

A mantra is a form of positive self-talk and a reminder of of our truth that separates us from the often confusing stories our mind can tell us.

3 Ways Yoga Helps Your Kids Get Ready for School

School is approaching and in some places in the country it has actually begun. There are some wonderful tools out there to help your kids get both their brains and bodies ready for school and helping to keep them calm and focused.