Posts From Brian McFadden

17 Things To Stop Wasting Your Time On

We all have same amount of time. Some of us use it more effectively then others, and it shows. Are you wasting time on these things?

7 Plant Based Superfoods You Aren’t Eating

Are you eating these plant based superfoods?

6 Goals You’re Chasing That Might Be Ruining Your Life (Motivation)

We all have goals, but are they smart goals? Are we taking the right approach to our goals? Don’t let these 6 common goals get in the way.

3 Signs You Are Living in the Invisible Food Prison

Our generation is suffering from diet and lifestyle ailments such as heart disease and obesity. Are you living in the invisible food prison?

What Everyone Should Know About Chocolate Cravings

We all crave chocolate at some point. What is the reasons behind our chocolate cravings?

10 Thoughts That Suck The Life Out Of You (motivation)

We’ve all experienced negative thoughts in out life. Don’t let these 10 thoughts suck the life out of you. Learn how to overcome them and take charge!

11 Mainstream Foods You Think Are Healthy

These are the most common foods thought to be healthy but are actually terrible for you. Think you are eating healthy? Think again!

Don’t Let These 5 Excuses Become Your Life’s Anthem

Are you guilty of using these excuses? Odds are we all are from time to time!

5 Daily Habits of Happy People

A goal is everyone’s life should be happiness. But how do we achieve it? Here are the 5 daily habits of happy people.

Walnut & Berry Chia Seed Bowl

This quick and easy recipe is packed with antioxidant rich superfoods to keep you energized!