3 Tips For Staying Mindful in the Holidays
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Ashley Kohler In the spirit of the holidays, here are some of my favorite tips, tricks and words of encouragement to steer you mindfully through the busy season:
- Mindfulness = the practice of gratitude: Stop, pause and give yourself that extra moment to draw awareness to your breath. When you feel overwhelmed by tension, stress and/or anxiety; pause, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Bring to your awareness three things for which you are grateful.
- A busy day shouldn’t jeopardize self-care: Listen to your body and enhance each day by way of asanas (yoga postures) to help reduce stress. Try a sun salutation on the kitchen floor or a forward fold before reading to your kids at night. My easy and energy-inducing moves of choice are the six basic movements of the spine. I love this quick series because it can be practiced seated, kneeling, or standing. I arch my spine each way (think cat and cow flexion and extension), practice side bends (lateral movement) and twist in each direction.
- Feeling low energy? Cater to your needs: Backbends energize; forward folds restore; sun salutations stretch and strengthen; hip openers (i.e. lizard pose or extended side angle) improve stress levels and can create an energetic shift in the physical body.
- Make it fun: Break a sweat whenever possible; practice yoga poses with your kids and dance together in the kitchen! Twisting your body helps detoxify, which is important during an often-indulgent time. The calm and approachable space of the studio at invites yogis to experience a connection of body and mind, but we encourage our students to practice in any setting, all while having fun and feeling connected to community.
- Think Positively: Don’t bring yourself down by worrying about unhealthy food options. Practice moderation and allow yourself to indulge in your favorite foods and drinks once in a while. When catching up with friends and family, try to fold in healthier choices such as your favorite herbal tea or kombucha, always stay hydrated.
With all these tips, don’t forget to celebrate yourself this season. You are amazing, so give yourself the time and care you deserve and the lucky people around you will benefit from your joy. Don’t let the “perfect ” be the enemy of the good. Nobody will remember the lumps in the gravy, but they will remember your love, laughter, and smile! Happy Holidays!