Yoga Gives Back
How many times have you dropped in on a yoga class, spending $20+ dollars to gain an hour of balance and peace of mind? For the most part, having access to a plethora of yoga studios is just what-is, it’s our life style, and it’s all we know. Not having access to yoga would be seen as a “problem ” in our Western culture. Did you know that what’s a part of our normal every day expenditures, the cost of a single yoga class, could change the lives of women & children in India?
The non-profit organization, Yoga Gives Back (YGB), is dedicated to raising awareness and funds in order to alleviate poverty in India, specifically focused on supporting struggling mothers and children. The cost of 1 yoga class helps fund micro-loans and scholarships lending to a better life for these women and children. Born in a yoga class in Los Angeles in 2007, YGB now funds nearly 700 mothers and children with a five-year commitment to each person to ensure the time to see each person’s transformation.
Twenty seven billion dollars is generated on yoga in the U.S. alone. If a fraction of this can be redirected to help the poor in India, we can make a significant difference.
In Malibu, California on September 26th, 2015, Yoga Gives back will award Mallika Chopra, daughter of spiritual activist Deepak Chopra, their first ever Namaste Award, which also launches their global annual fundraising campaign for underprivileged women and children in India. Yoga communities in fifteen countries took part in this annual campaign last year and YGB hopes to have more yogis to take part this year.
You don’t want to miss this very inspiring evening with special guest, Mallika Chopra, and yoga teachers Kia Miller and Kino MacGregor, just to name a few. Tickets on sale now, click here for more info: http://yogagivesback.org/tymi/malibu
Q&A with Mallika Chopra:
1) How do you view being named the first Namaste Award recipient for YGB?
What an incredible honor to be granted this award. I am humbled and grateful and hope that I will always live up to the spirit of this recognition.
2) How does your message of “Living with Intent” resonate with the mission of Yoga Gives Back, “to mobilize the global yoga community to empower women and children in India to build sustainable livelihood”?
Personally, as a mother of two daughters, the mission of Yoga Gives Back resonates with me. I firmly believe that empowering women is the most potent way to bring about positive change for families and communities around the world.
3) How do you view the poverty situation in India, as an Indian American raised in the US as well as witnessing the reality in India?
There is heartbreaking poverty around the world, whether in India, the United States or other nations. As humanity we need to ask ourselves why we let children go hungry and suffer from preventable illnesses when we have the resources and knowledge to help our fellow beings.
4) What are your thoughts about microloans for poor women, or YGB’s mantra “For the cost of one yoga class, you can change a life”?
Micro loans to women have been shown to stimulate powerful change for communities. It is both insightful and powerful to know that YGB’s mechanism for raising money can create such powerful global change.
5) What do you think of YGB’s other program providing higher education scholarships for impoverished youth?
Education is the key to empowering future generations to manifest change in their communities. Targeted programs like those supported by YGB are both smart and commendable
6) Do you believe that YOGA has a social responsibility to bring positive change to our world, or should it?
For me, yoga is about service both to ourselves and the world. So I truly applaud and appreciate the work TGB is inspiring in the yoga community.
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For more info on Yoga Gives Back, please visit: www.yogagivesback.org. For details on the September 26th fundraiser event, visit: http://yogagivesback.org/tymi/malibu