Tag "yoga philosophy"
Your Brain On Yoga – Yoga for The Mind
Yoga is holistic discipline and it teaches that nothing is wholly physical and that nothing is entirely mental. It emphasizes the unceasing interplay between mind and body. Anyone who
Rene Hawthorne INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, Uncategorized, YOGAStop Letting Go
Is letting go a bad thing? Here is one yoga teacher’s perspective on how holding on to challenging experiences can help you grow.
Ryan Glidden HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAA Picture Perfect Yoga Lesson: The 8 Limbs
Forget what you think you know about yoga for a moment, and just consider that there maybe is a different perspective. The words you are about to read are true, I know this because I lived them. Life is perspective, but yoga is everywhere.
Angel Holba INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGASeparate But Not Apart – A Kosha Breakdown
In Yoga philosophy, there are five koshas, or layers of the human being identified. Here is an in depth explanation of this interesting truth.
Ryan Glidden YOGAYoga Bhavadhara Part One…Making the Case for a New Form of Yoga
T. Krishnamacharya, the grandfather of Modern Postural Yoga, made the following intriguing statements in his book Yoga Makaranda in 1935, “It is not true that those people [Westerners] are not
Darren Iammarino HEALTH, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, YOGAWhy Bother? What’s the Point? Yoga, Happening Now
The journey of yoga is designed to guide a student from identifying as their ego, to identifying as their soul. An in depth look at yoga…
Ryan Glidden COMMUNITY, INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, SPONSORED3 Reasons Why Millennials Must Create a New Form of Yoga
1. Millennial age yogis and yoginis often value: social activism, the right to choose one’s identity, and they denounce marginalizing or discriminatory actions/speech. Yet, they still may not have transcended
Darren Iammarino INSPIRATION, LIFESTYLE, Uncategorized, YOGAYoga Bhavadhara Part Two…A New Yoga for a Constantly New You
There are eight components to the Yoga Bhavadhara program out of respect for the longstanding tradition of “8 limbs, ” steps, or auxiliaries in ancient India. However, the eight categories