Tag "new year"

Why We Keep Failing at New Year’s Resolutions

Very few people take New Year’s resolutions seriously. According to a recent study, only 8 to 12% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them, and less than

5 Mantras for Happiness in the New Year!

I absolutely love this time of year.   The decorations, the lights, the hustle and bustle, the long lines, the crowded stores, time with family, time with friends, baking, cooking

The Depths of Winter – Dig deep and simplify to re-invigorate your yoga practice

  “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was, in me, an invincible summer. ” – Albert Camus With the holidays behind us and winter weather in

The Daily 5 For Optimal Living All Year Long

Remember like 4 weeks ago when everyone was all pumped for the New Year?   #NewMe,   #2016, #GotThis and more.   Yeah, me too.   The excitement, enthusiasm and